Colaborari Internationale ale Departamentului Control Poluare

1.    Program Leonardo da Vinci -2003-2005- Training Module for Environmental Pollution Control
2.    Proiect Phare/ AGRIFOR Belgia -2004 – Accreditation of Laboratories according to ISO 17025/2000 under the EC PHARE CBC Programme (Acreditare 3 laboratoare de mediu din Varna Bulgaria)
3.    Proiect Phare/ AGRIFOR Belgia-2005-Development of a system for monitoring/control of emissions of heavy metals, VOCs and PAHs from stationary sources in the boundary Bulgarian-Romanian region along the lower Danube
4.    Proiect TACIS – Marea Britanie -2007-Prypait Transboundary River Basin Management Project
5.    Proiect Phare – IRECSON Romania -2009 – Armonizarea statisticii agricole si de mediu romanesti cu normele si standardele Europene (indicatori statistici de mediu si indicatori statistici pentru substantele prioritar periculoase)
6.    ELCONDES 2004, “Méthodes electrochimiques de controle et destruction des pollutants organiques et inorganiques”
7.    Proiect Phare/ RO 0107.04.03 – “Environment Statistics Survey” – privind managementul si gestiunea apei sis deseurilor in Romania
8.    Proiect Phare/ RO 2002/IB/EN/01 – “Twinning in the field of chemicals to improve the legal framework and to improve the enforcement”
9.    Senter International Project  in Romania PPA02/RM/9/2 – “ The implementation of EU legislation for dangerous substances and preparation s, along with the legislation for Good Laboratory Practice”
10.   EU Framework Programme COST 2002-2005 – Action 624 “ Optimal management of wastewater systems”
11.   EU Framework Programme COST 2005-2009 – Action 636 “Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle”
12.   EEA GRANTS Projects, Aplicatie RO-0016, 2009 – 2010 “Sistem de Monitorizare a calitatii apei destinata consumului uman, produsa si distribuita de Companiile Romanesti”
13.   Program Operational Sectorial Cresterea Competitivitatii Economice, Axa Prioritara 2, 2009-2012 „ Dezvoltarea infrastructurii de cercetare a INCD ECOIND pentru extinderea si diversificarea cercetarilor in domeniul ecologiei industriale” –  proiect cofinantat de Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala.