Assessment of the impact of climate change in urban and peri-urban areas in Romania – priority measures regarding climate resilience – RCUP
Team Leader: Dr. Geol. Bogdan Adrian STĂNESCU
Short description: Main objective: Assessment of the impact of climate change on the quality of environmental factors and the sustainable management of contaminated sites in urban and peri-urban ecosystems in Romania In the first phase of execution, a prospective study was carried out regarding the conceptual model related to the RCUP project, which includes the 3 urban/peri-urban areas chosen as case studies, areas for which the seasonal assessment of the quality of the soil, water and air environmental factors is carried out; they will provide important data relevant to the proposed purpose regarding the evaluation and highlighting of vulnerabilities in urban and peri-urban systems in Romania, as a result of the manifestation of the effects of climate change. Within this conceptual model, the elements of a common agenda were included, which were discussed at work meetings, taking into account the specific characteristics of each entity (UAT), and 3 collaboration agreements were concluded (for the entire project implementation period) with the UATs of Ploiești, Galați and Tulcea, the main beneficiaries of the results obtained within the RCUP project. In the second phase, the experimental field was established for the 3 urban/peri-urban areas that constitute the 3 case studies for the development of the activities proposed by the project RCUP;The investigations carried out in the cities designated as case studies focused on soil-water-air environmental factors. Thus, a study was developed regarding the experimental field dedicated to the evaluation of the 3 urban/peri-urban areas designated as case studies; it contains preliminary analytical data on the quality of environmental factors and point maps defining the experimental field (sampling/measurement points). Also, the preliminary results form a georeferenced database specific to the RCUP project, which will be updated throughout the project’s implementation period until 2026.
Phase 1/2023:
The conceptual framework for assessing the vulnerability of environmental factors as a result of the manifestation of the effects of climate change in urban and peri-urban ecosystems:
- Prospective study regarding the conceptual model related to the RCUP project.
Phase 2/2023:
Definition of the experimental field and preliminary investigations for the evaluation of the quality of environmental factors in the areas chosen as case studies - 3 cities in Romania:
- Study related to the experimental field dedicated to the evaluation of the 3 urban/peri-urban areas designated as case studies.
I. Articles published in ISI-BDI journals/patents/books
Bogdan Adrian Stanescu, Adriana Cuciureanu, Georgiana Cernica, Ana Maria Codreanu Preliminary assessment of the vulnerabilities in urban ecosystems as a result of climate change effects. Case studies. Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry, ISSN-L: 2668-5418, publicare in vol.5 (2), decembrie 2023