Research contract: 32142/2008
Program 4: Partnership in Priority Domains
Coordinator: National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology, Bucharest
- Politechnica University of Bucharest;
- Biology Institute of Romanian Academy;
Development of innovative biotechnological methods for advanced treatment of wastewater with high ammonium content (hudreads of mg/L). Identification of involved microorganisms by modern molecular techniques and assessment of their activity”
- Elaboration of technical-scientifically documentation based on literature data in order to identify/assess biotechnological treatments methods for wastewater with high ammonium content and the possibilities of monitoring the diversity and microbial dynamics by molecular and enzymatic techniques.
- Elaboration of innovative biotechnological treatments methods based on a hybrid treatment process for wastewater with high ammonium content (laboratory scale) and identification of involved microorganisms by molecular techniques – extraction of bacterial DNA, PCR amplification, genes sequencing and enzymatic methods;
- Design of experimental model – hybrid system installation. Elaboration of experimental model technology. Evaluation of diversity and microbial dynamics by molecular and enzymatic techniques.
- Experimental demonstration in a model installation of functionality and utility of proposed technological method. Evaluation of diversity and microbial dynamics by molecular and enzymatic techniques.
- Identification and assignation of the intellectual property rights. Dissemination of the results (scientific communications, scientific articles, web page, presentation handbook, workshops with potential beneficiaries – municipal wastewater treatment operators, industrial wastewater treatment operators) within scientific community and stakeholders (local authorities and environmental protection agencies).
- Critical study for the identification/assessment of biotechnological processes used for ammonium rich wastewater treatment
- Identification/assessment of biotechnological processes used worldwide for ammonium rich wastewater treatment – conventional nitrification/denitrification, SHARON, ANAMMOX, combined SHARON-ANAMMOX, CANON, OLAND, DEAMOX – and comparative analysis of costs and performances of these technologies;
- Study of the mathematical models used for ammonium rich wastewater treatment through nitritation processes, anaerobic ammonium oxidation, Sharon process;
- Study on the microorganisms involved, biochemical processes, enzymatic measuring methods and taxonomic identification. Determination of microbial diversity and dynamics in the bioreactor using DNA extraction and PCR amplification protocols.
- Experiments for ammonium rich wastewater treatment
- Monitorization of the quality of effluent from sludge dewatering installation from municipal WWTPs of Pitesti and Focsani;
- Identification of optimum operation parameters of nitritification and anammox reactors;
- Ammonium partial oxidation process can be achieved in a mixed bioreactor without sludge retention with the following parameter control: temperature (30-400C), hydraulic retention time (HRT=1-2 days), dissolved oxygen concentration (1-1.5 mg O2/L), pH = 7-8.5, thus allowing the enrichment of ammonium oxidation bacteria and elimination of nitrite oxidation bacteria;
- Anaerobic ammonium oxidation is the most economical way to remove the nitrogen-ammonia from ammonium rich wastewater flows. The autotrophic process is realized by anammox bacteria that are characterized by slow growth rate (biomass doubling time -15 days). This fact implies the need of an efficient biomass retention system (settler, filling material for biofilm formation) and a long period for inoculum formation and start up (up to one year).
- Several experiments were performed for identification of optimum operational parameters for the nitritification bioreactor;
- In a hybrid SBR bioreactor, the anammox specific inoculum was obtained – novelty element which lead to successful achievement of project objectives;
- Microorganisms identification through molecular techniques – bacteria DNA extraction (anammox process specific bacteria);
- The viability and utility of the biotechnological solution for ammonium rich and low organic load wastewater treatment was experimentally proved.
- Dissemination of project results by 5 scientific communication;
- Economical agents from zootechny and chemical fertilizers industry