1. EU Framework Programme COST, 2002-2005 – Action 624 “Optimal management of wastewater systems”
2. Leonardo da Vinci Programme, 2003-2005- Training Module for Environmental Pollution Control.
3. Phare Porject/ AGRIFOR Belgium, 2004 – Accreditation of Laboratories according to ISO 17025/2000 under the EC PHARE CBC Programme (Accreditation of three environmental laboratories from Varna, Bulgaria).
4. ELCONDES, 2004, -Méthodes electrochimiques de controle et destruction des pollutants organiques et inorganiques.
5. Senter International Project in Romania PPA02/RM/9/2, 2004-2005- The implementation of EU legislation for dangerous substances and preparation s, along with the legislation for Good Laboratory Practice.
6. Phare Project/ AGRIFOR Belgium, 2005-Development of a system for monitoring/control of emissions of heavy metals, VOCs and PAHs from stationary sources in the boundary Bulgarian-Romanian region along the lower Danube.
7.PhareProject /RO 0107.04.03 – Environment Statistics Survey – regarding management and inventory of water and wastes in Romania.
8. Phare Project/ RO 2002/IB/EN/01 – Twinning in the field of chemicals to improve the legal framework and to improve the enforcement.
9. EU Framework Programme COST, 2005-2009 – Action 636 “Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle”
10. EU Framework Programme COST, 2006-2010– Action 637 “Metals in drinking water”
11. TACIS Project/ Mott McDonald, UK, 2007- Prypait Transboundary River Basin Management Project.
12. Phare Project/ IRECSON Romania , 2009 – Harmonization of agricultural and environmental Romanian statistics with European norms ans standards (statistic indicators for environment and for dangerous substances) .
13. EEA GRANTS Projects, RO-0016, 2009 – 2010 –Monitoring system of water intended for human consumption produced and distributed by Romanian Companies.
14. Sectorial Operational Programme for Economic Competitivity Development, Priority Axe 2, 2009-2012 –Development of the research infrastructure of INCD-ECOIND for the extention and diversification of research in the filed of industrial ecology. Project co-financed by European Founds for Regional Development.
15. JRC Ispra Project, 2011-2014- European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection (ERNCIP).