Management Systems Department – Services offer

A. Services in the field of quality, environment, occupational health and safety, food safety management

1. Consultancy and technical assistance for the design and implementation of management systems following the presented steps:

  • diagnostic analysis of the initial existing situation
  • structural and processes organization of management system
  • personal training regarding the clarification and implementation of the reference standards requirements
  • establishing the policy and objectives
  • elaboration and implementation of the system documents
  • internal auditors formation
  • assessment of the system’s implementation stage through internal audit
  • technical assistance to the certification audits.

2. Audit of the management systems

3. Environmental audit

4. Identification and assessment of the environmental aspects

5. Accidental and occupational health risk assessment.

6. Audit analysis and screening for the identification of the substances mentioned in the GD351/2005

B. Personnel training and formation

1. Instruction courses in the field of the management systems

  • Clarification and implementation of the reference standards’ requirements
  • The eco-management and audit scheme EMAS II
  • Environmental aspects identification and assessment
  • Top management awareness regarding the importance of the management systems’ implementation
  • Environmental Legislation
  • Risk factors identification and accidental and occupational risks assessment (formation of the internal risk evaluators)
  • Food safety risks assessment
  • The conception and elaboration manner of management system’s documentation (procedures, work instructions, management handbook)
  • Internal auditors formation for the management systems
  • Documents implementation, the records’ elaboration and keeping manner.

2. Personnel formation in the quality and environmental management field

INCD ECOIND is authorized provider for the following formation programs:

  • Environmental auditor cod COR 24305
  • Auditor in the quality filed cod COR 24303
  • Environmental Management System Manager cod COR 242304
  • Quality Management Systems Manager cod COR 242302