Pollution control department
Pollution control department
Head of Laboratory: Mihai NITA-LAZAR
Phone: +4021 410 03 77 / 242
E-mail: mihai.nita@incdecoind.ro
The department is involved in applied research activities and services in the field of environmental quality control and monitoring, respectively of the environmental components water, air, soil, sediments and waste.
The activity carried out within the department aims at the following directions:
- research activities and monitoring of environmental parameters to solve specific problems arising in the technological processes carried out by economic agents;
- the development and implementation of new effective methods/methodologies for evaluating the quality of the environment, reducing the level of pollution in order to improve the health of the population;
- assessment of the quality of the environmental components water, air, soil within research projects with national / international funding or through documentation requested from economic agents by the environmental authorities.
Water, soil, waste pollution control laboratory
Water, soil, waste pollution control laboratory
Head of Laboratory: Laura CHIRIAC
Phone: +40 21 410 03 77 / 110
E-mail: analize.inst@incdecoind.ro
Services in the field of environmental pollution assessment and control:
- Controlling the pollution of environmental components water, soil, sediments, sludge, waste by identifying pollutants, establishing sampling points/frequency, performing sampling and specific physical-chemical analyses;
- Monitoring the quality of environmental components water (drinking water, mineral, groundwater, surface, wastewater, for irrigation, for concrete, for swimming pools), soil, sludge, sediments according to the requirements imposed by the inforce legislation or by the local environmental authorities;
- Carrying out leaching tests for waste and characterizing the leachates, in order to establish the type of deposit where these wastes can be accepted for storage - according to Order. MMGA no. 95/2005;
- Analytical investigations to establish the contaminant removal rates of municipal wastewater treatment plants (influent/effluent, sludge, physical-chemical parameters);
- Consultancy for testing laboratories in order to obtain accreditation according to the requirements of the SR EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard;
- Training of the personnel from the testing laboratories regarding the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC), how to apply new analytical methods and techniques in current laboratory practice, as well as the requirements of the SR EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard.
Ar pollution control laboratory
Laboratory for air pollution control
Head of Laboratory: Simona CĂLINESCU
Phone: +40 21 410 03 77 / 132
E-mail: poluare.aer@incdecoind.ro
Environmental services:
- Monitoring of air pollutant emissions generated by fixed sources (Order 462/1993; Law 278/2013);
- Assessment of the level of ambient air pollution through direct measurements or through mathematical modeling (Law 104/2011; STAS 12574-87);
- Determination of the industrial noise level (SR 10009:2017; SR ISO 1996-2:2018; SR 6161-1:2020; SR 6161-3:2020);
- Assessment of air quality inside buildings, including workplace (SR EN 15251:2008);
- Determination of odor intensity by dynamic olfactometry and the rate of odor emissions from stationary sources (SR EN 13725:2022);
- Pollutant dispersion studies in the air, including the evaluation of the odor level through mathematical modeling (Law 278/2013, BAT Conclusions);
- Monitoring of emissions from incinerators and other emission sources: flue gases (CO, SO2, CO2, NOx, NO2, O2), dusts, individual organic compounds (benzene, toluene, xylenes, hexane, formaldehyde, methanol, etc.), VOCs in the form of total organic carbon, NH3, HCl, H2S, SO42-, HF/F-, polychlorinated dibenzidioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), O3, HCl, etc.;
- Determination of the concentration of NO2, SO2, CO emitted from technological processes according to the requirements of BAT conclusions.
Biotests-biological analyses laboratory
Biotests-biological analyses laboratory
Head of Laboratory: Alina Roxana BANCIU
Telefon: +40 21 410 03 77 / 242
E-mail: biologi@incdecoind.ro
Environmental services:
- Assessment of the level of pollution from a biological and microbiological point of view of environmental components: air, water, soil/sediment/sludge;
- Evaluation of microbial air pollution from various indoor and outdoor locations through air microbiota density control and surface and skin sanitation tests;
- Establishing the characteristics of acute lethal toxicity, biodegradability, bioaccumulation for the classification of the danger of priority dangerous substances / chemical preparations and the development of the safety data sheet, according to the European Regulations REACH and CLP;
- Characterization of the ecotoxicity of Romanian products (detergents, varnishes, paints) with a view to eco-labeling and ensuring their free circulation on the European market;
- Evaluation of the pollution level of surface waters (rivers and lakes) to quantify the pressure of human activities and establish the ecological state, according to the regulations in force; evaluation of the eutrophication degree of aquatic ecosystems based on the analysis of the concentration of chlorophyll "a";
- Studies and investigations regarding the efficiency of municipal wastewater treatment plants and effects generated by the effluents of the treatment plant on the receiving aquatic ecosystem;
- Technical assistance and specialized consultancy for: organization and equipment of biological/microbiological analysis laboratories; assimilation and application of biological/bacteriological analysis methods and ensuring repeatability and reproducibility of analysis results; documenting and implementing the quality management system according to ISO/CEI 17025:2018 in order to accredit environmental laboratories.