Projects performed by INCD ECOIND – Timisoara Subsidiary

INCD ECOIND – Timisoara Subsidiary, through the performed projects, tackles adverse thematics in the environmental protection field, as follows:

1. Removal of arsenic from waters by electrochemical methods
2. Treatment of wastewater containing detergents and dyes by electrochemical methods using modified nanoxidic materials
3. Treatment of wastewater from pharmaceutical industry by electrochemical methods and / or photocatalysis
4. Remediation of soil contaminated with metals, by electrochemical methods
5. Study of intensive vegetation for ash & slag dumps (CET Timisoara), using lawn plants in order to restore the landscape and obtain biomass. Study of bioaccumulation of pollutants in the harvested biomass. Possibilities for use of biomass harvested from initiated cultures.
6. Studies of phytoremediation of land polluted with metals, using plants – hiperaccumulator of pollutants (e.g. adjacent areas to roads). Studies of metals bioaccumulation.
7. Studies of metals bioaccumulation in lawn plants for grazing, in grains, vegetables, fruit for future use as human and animal food.
8. studies of capitalization of municipal sludge for remediation of some lands, degraded by erosion, massive deforestation, a.s.o.
9. Studies for improvement of drinking water quality and reduction of cancer risk by reducing dissolved natural organic matter. The dissolved natural organic matter is a precursor to trihalomethans formation – during water disinfection with chlorine-based compounds.


1. electrode materials as modified oxidic nanostructures type
2. technology for purifying of wastewater containing refractory organic pollutants
3. technology for electroremediation of soil polluted with heavy metals
4. supported materials as TUF- Aln type
5. technology of remediation for soils polluted with heavy metal using supported materials as TUF- Aln type
6. remediation of soils polluted with heavy metals through phytoremediation

Potential beneficiaries of research results

– Units from the industries of detergents, leather, textile, metal processing
– Enterprises/owners of areas polluted with heavy metal