Advanced waste recycling through experimental models dedicated to the circular economy- SMARTWASTE

Team Leader: Dr. Ing. Mirela Alina CONSTANTIN

Short description: Through its objectives, the project responds to the Action Plan on the Circular Economy, i.e. the Commission Communication to the European Parliament, by helping to achieve waste reduction targets for certain waste streams as part of a wider set of waste prevention measures in the context of Directive 2008/98/EC. The project will also encourage the exchange of information and best practice on waste recycling. All these measures also serve the objective of significantly reducing the total amount of waste generated and halving the amount of municipal (non-recycled) waste by 2030. The present project aims to develop experimental models that will be optimised and validated at laboratory level, starting from TRL2 to TRL4. They will aim at valorising waste by transforming it into secondary raw materials using laboratory technologies for the production of smart biofertilisers, for obtaining nanomaterials as catalysts and/or materials with adsorbent properties from different types of ash with applications in wastewater treatment and for obtaining new alternative fuels for sustainable development and energy generation.

Results Dissemination of results

Phase 1/2023:

  • Research study on the establishment of criteria for the use of leather industry waste as raw material in the process of obtaining smart fertilizers with controlled nutrient release
  • Research study on determining the requirements for the use of combustion plant waste (ash) as raw material
  • Research study on the use of municipal waste in the production of alternative fuels

Phase 2/2023:

  • Study on the physicochemical characterization of leather industry waste in the process of obtaining smart fertilizers with controlled nutrient release;
  • Study on the determination of the requirements for the use of ash in the synthesis of nanomaterials;
  • Study on the physico-chemical and energetic characterization of municipal waste
I. Articles published in ISI-BDI journals/patents/books
  1. L.Kim, A. Cuciureanu, L.F.Pascu, O.C. Tache (Tapurica), G.A. Catrina A comprehensive methodology for assessing the hazardousness of waste categorized in the 2uropean union legislation as “mirror entries” – case studies. Environments, 10 (10), pp. 183, 2023, FI = 3.7,AIS = 0.548; 2. F. D. Constantinov, M. A. Constantin An overview of present treatment and valorification methods used for plastic waste. Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry, ISSN-L: 2668-5418, vol.5 (1), 2023;
  2. G-C Serbanescu. A review on evaluation of textile waste for ethanol extraction Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry, ISSN-L: 2668-5418, published in vol.5 (2), December 2023;
  3. A-M. N. Codreanu, M.A. Constantin, G. Cernica, I. Dumtrescu Alternative adsorbent materials used to remove phosphates from water, Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry, ISSN-L: 2668-5418, published in vol.5 (2), December 2023
II. Papers presented at scientific events
  1. A-M. N. Codreanu, M.A. Constantin, D. S. Stefan. Alternative and conventional waste management methods for leather industry. 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, 11-15 iunie 2023, Calimanesti, Caciulata, 2023;
  2. G. Cernica, M.A. Constantin, I. Dumitrescu, A.-M. Codreanu. Research on the Possibilities of Evaluation and Recovery of Sludge from Sewage Treatment Plants from the Perspective of Circular Economy, 18th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Athens, Greece, 30 August - 2 September, 2023;
  3. G-C Serbanescu. An overview of integrated chemical process used for converting valuable textile waste, 26th International Symposium “The Environment and The Industry”, 27-29 September, 2023;
  4. I.C.Nicolescu, M.A. Constantin, A-M Codreanu, G. Cernica,I. Dumitrescu, Physical-chemical and energetic characteristics of three fuels recovered from municipal waste. 26th International Symposium “The Environment and The Industry”, 27-29 September, 2023;
  5. F.D. Constantinov, M.A. Constantin, D. Puiu, I.A.Ionescu, G. Cernica, Preliminary tests on fly ash potential to degrade organic pollutants from aqueous system, International Scientific Conference on Earth and Planetary Sciences SGEM, 28.11-01.12.2023, Viena, Austria, 2023.
III: Contribution to elaboration of Ph.D. thesis
  • Ana Maria Nicoleta Manea. Valorificarea deșeurilor provenite din industria pielăriei în vederea obținerii fertilizantilor inteligenți cu eliberare controlata, Facultatea de Inginerie Chimica si Biotehnologii, UNSTPB, PN 23 22 04 01;
  • Georgiana Cernica. Evaluarea namolurilor provenite de la tratarea apelor uzate prin perspectiva economiei circulare, Facultatea de Inginerie Chimica si Biotehnologii, UNSTPB, PN 23 22 04 01;
  • Daniela Florenta Constantinov. Metode neconventionale de depoluare a apelor cu micropoluanti din efluentii din statiile de epurare a apelor uzate, Facultatea de Inginerie Chimica si Biotehnologii, UNSTPB, PN 23 22 04 01.