Eco-friendly solutions for monitoring and protecting the biodiversity of integrated systems, as well as preventing their destruction – ECO-PHARMA
Team Leader: Dr. Biol. Mihai NITĂ-LAZĂR
Short description: The pollution with pharmaceutical substances, especially those with antimicrobial effects, is a current issue because, despite their control over infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, these substances accumulate in the surrounding environment, leading to the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance and disrupting the balance of the entire biota. The project proposes the exploration of environmentally friendly solutions, aiming to replace synthetic pharmaceutical substances with antimicrobial effects and develop new plant-based products with enhanced antimicrobial effects. To identify the effects of these new products, novel methods for monitoring and predictively assessing the toxic impact of pollutants are suggested, considering their influence on biodiversity. Various types of bioindicators, ranging from transcriptional to translational levels and extending to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell levels, will be employed in this process.
- In silico study on the distribution and impact generated by pharmaceutical substances in the environment;
- Study to highlight the current state of knowledge regarding alternative methods versus conventional methods for identifying biodiversity.
- Fieldwork protocol for eDNA analysis;
- Study on characterizing the impact of pharmaceutical substances with pollutant effects on plants with antimicrobial potential.
- Experimental study for ecotoxicological characterization of pharmaceutical compounds.
- Work protocol for toxicity/histopathology tests and protein profile.
- Database with strains from the intestinal microbiota of antibiotic-resistant fish.
- Experimental study for molecular analysis of phyto-biomarkers of stress.
- Method for obtaining compounds from plant extracts with potential antimicrobial effects.
- Experimental study for characterizing the composition and structure of biotic communities in selected aquatic systems.
- Specific methodology for analyzing pollen types.
- Stefania Gheorghe, Catalina Stoica, Anca Maria Harabagiu Nile red staining of polyethylene and polystyrene in Daphnia magna tests, Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry, ISSN-L: 2668-5418, publicare in vol 2 (5), decembrie 2023.
- C. Stoica, L.D. Ionica, S. Gheorghe, A.R. Banciu, D.M. Radulescu, L. Novac, F.V. Ciobotaru, A.M. Harabagiu, A.M Fulgheci, D. Rudaru. E.D. Mighiu, I.E. Lucaciu, M. Nita-Lazar. eDNA – a novel approach for monitoring the aquatic macroinvertebrates diversity Conferinta Internationala 10th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2023) and SECOTOX 5-9.06 2023, Grecia, Skiatos, 2023;
- Laura Novac, Anca Harabagiu., Ana Fulgheci, Dragos Radulescu, Alina Banciu, Daniel Rudaru, Emanuel Mighiu, Catalina Stoica, Stefania Gheorghe, Irina Lucaciu, Mihai Nita-Lazar Evaluation of the tetracycline effects on the aromatic plants with antimicrobial effect, International Symposium” The Environment and the industry”, 26-27 09.2023 Bucuresti, 2023;
- Anca-Maria Harabagiu, Laura Novac, Emanuel-Daniel Mighiu, Ana Fulgheci, Dragos Radulescu, Alina Banciu, Daniel Rudaru, Catalina Stoica, Stefania Gheorghe, Irina Lucaciu, Mihai Nita-Lazar. Sulfamethoxazole phytotoxic effects on germination and growth of some aromatic plants. International Symposium” The Environment and the industry”, 26-27 09.2023 Bucuresti, 2023;
- Ana-Maria Fulgheci, Daniel Rudaru, Alexandra Stavarache, Irina Eugenia Lucaciu, Comparative study of cod parameter measured using two different standard methods, International Symposium” The Environment and the industry”, 26-27 09.2023, Bucuresti, 2023;
- Laura Novac, Bioindicatori si biomarkeri utilizati in caracterizarea starii ecologice a biotopurilor supuse presiunilor antropice, Facultatea de Biotehnologii, USAMV;
- Ana Maria Fulgheci, Materiale mezoporoase utilizate pentru eliminarea poluantilor din apa, Facultatea de Inginerie Chimica si Biotehnologii, UNSTPB.