

The vision of INCD ECOIND is to be a national leader, with international recognition, in the field of environmental research and services.


The mission of INCD ECOIND is to carry out research and service activities in the field of environmental protection to standards of excellence, in accordance with the themes and trends of the current national and international programs and with the requirements and needs in the field of the economic environment.

The mission of INCD ECOIND is to carry out environmental research and services in the following directions: pollution control and assessment, environmental technologies, technical expertise in the field, management and audit systems in the field of quality and the environment, training and personal training, professional professional skills assessment.

The institute fulfills its mission by:

  • integration of advanced and applied research carried out in the trends of national and international programs in the field;
  • achieving national and international partnerships with elite institutes and universities;
  • making flexible and sustainable partnerships with the national and international economic environment for the development and transfer of research in the field;
  • hiring and professional attitude of elite and well-motivated research staff;
  • the permanent maintenance and development of the infrastructure to ensure technical support and the competitiveness of research activities;
  • ensuring a high level of safety and health at work, safe and healthy workplaces and activities;
  • responsible and efficient management for maintaining and developing as a competitive technical-scientific and financially solid institute, under the conditions of optimal use of resources;
  • the development of a culture of environmental research and innovation in the context of the application of the principles of sustainable development and its promotion at the level of the scientific community and the national economic environment.


  • professional standards of excellence in research and services;
  • capacity for performance and innovation;
  • freedom of thought and expression;
  • integrity and ethics in research;
  • orientation towards the client, focusing on his needs;
  • flexibility and suitability of technical solutions for prompt response to clients needs;
  • employment, responsibility, guarantee for clients;
  • work in multidisciplinary teams corresponding to the complexity of the environmental issue;
  • responsible management of resources;
  • respect for the law and the environment;
  • respect for the institute, work, clients, partners, schools.



INCD-ECOIND, a national institute in the field of environmental protection, will establish itself and maintain itself through quality and performance at the top of research activities and environmental services.

INCD-ECOIND's policy is to:

✓ Continuously increasing the quality of works and ensuring excellence in research and environmental services to satisfy the explicit and implicit needs of clients;

✓ Ensuring the protection of the environment by reducing pollution and controlling waste;

✓ Transformation of research results into new and better services and products, in order to remain competitive on the market;

✓ Ensuring the health and safety of employees by controlling health and safety risks at work.

In order to ensure high-quality innovative works without harming the environment, the health and safety of our employees and partners, we are committed to:

  • we comply with applicable legislation in force, existing regulations and altar requirements in the field of quality, environmental protection, innovation, health and safety at work;
  • we know and anticipate customer requirements and expectations through active, applied and appropriate marketing;
  • we ensure the continuous increase of customer satisfaction through high quality works;
  • We continuously improve the effectiveness of the integrated management system of quality, environment, innovation and health and safety at work implemented in the institute;
  • we maintain SMC and SMM certifications in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001;
  • we maintain the RENAR accreditation and expand the scope of accredited trials;
  • we continuously improve professional training in the field of quality management, environment, innovation and health and safety in the work of the staff;
  • we stimulate creativity and encourage trust, diversity and tolerance among employees;
  • we support intellectual property and intellectual property rights on the results of research-development-innovation activity;
  • to establish internal and external partnerships of the institute for the realization of national and international projects;
  • we ensure constant economic growth by perfecting the organization and profitability of all processes/activities/operations;
  • we prevent the pollution of environmental factors by monitoring and controlling processes;
  • we prevent work-related injuries and illnesses for all staff, including subcontractors and visitors, by identifying hazards, assessing OSH risks and implementing prevention measures and isolating risks;
  • we ensure the material and human resources necessary for the implementation of the policy.

This policy is addressed to all employees regardless of their job or level of their preparation. Our employees have the obligation to fulfill the requirements established in the procedures, work instructions and other documents applicable to their own field of activity to demonstrate that they understand and participate in the application of this policy in order to improve the activity, the quality of the environment and protect their own health and that of their colleagues.


The INCD-ECOIND imperative:

"Leader on the research and environmental services market in Romania"

INCD-ECOIND must maintain itself, by quality and performance, in the top of the organizations active in the field of research and specific environmental protection services, to distinguish and maintain the trust of new and traditional internal and external clients and collaborators by:

  • continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the integrated management system implemented according to the reference standards SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015, SR 13572:2016 and SR ISO 45001:2018;
  • permanent development of the internal/managerial control system implemented according to O 600/2018;
  • continuous improvement of the quality of tests, research works and services regarding pollution control, pollution assessment and environmental technologies;
  • the initiation and development of new research fields and the improvement of existing ones in order to respond promptly, efficiently and efficiently to the demands and demands of the environmental market;
  • professional development/permanent training of the staff so as to ensure the qualification and experience appropriate to the field of research and the type of experiments carried out, innovative and creative spirit, conscious and responsible involvement, excellence in research and services;
  • achieving the specific objectives set at the beginning of each year;
  • ensuring an adequate circulation of information and decision in the organization and an effective communication system for all aspects of the management system.

INCD ECOIND's test laboratories will affirm and will maintain, through QUALITY, in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, at the top of environmental testing activities by:

  • maintaining the RENAR accreditation and expanding the field of tests aligned with the requirements of the reference SR EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018;
  • good professional practice and the quality of the services of the entire staff through the application of testing standards/methods, the provision of state-of-the-art performance equipment and the use of appropriate methods to ensure the quality of the results;
  • satisfying the requirements of clients and complying with the applicable legal regulations, the requirements of the authorities and accreditation/certification bodies.

Action will be taken for:

  • ensuring the staff's activity with respect for human dignity and without discrimination of any kind that can affect the quality of the trials;
  • ensuring confidentiality of results for clients, including electronic storage and transmission of test results;
  • avoiding involvement in activities that may affect trust in competence, impartiality and operational integrity and in the thinking of the staff;
  • identifying quality problems and initiating corrective actions to maintain the adequacy of the system against the requirements of the reference standards.

Heads of TESTING LABORATORIES and QUALITY and ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES (RCM) are entrusted with maintaining and improving the management system, maintaining the accreditation of tests, expanding, as necessary, the accredited field and applying the requirements contained in the management system documents.

Working according to the most demanding requirements of quality, environment, innovation, health and safety at work becomes, from the ideal, a current practice and maintaining the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications and the RENAR accreditation contribute to identifying the name of the institution with excellence and guarantee the best results in environmental research and services.

As the General Manager, I assume full responsibility regarding the provision of material and human resources in order to achieve the above objectives, regarding the continuous improvement of the integrated management system in order to increase performance, regarding the prevention of pollution, trauma and diseases caused by work, as well as regarding compliance with legal, regulatory and other applicable requirements.


General Manager,

Dr. Chem. Luoana Florentina Pascu