
 April 9, 2024

Consultancy for Accreditation of Laboratories

1. LAREX –National Center for Testing and Expertize of Products, 2001-2002- Consultancy and technical assistance for implementation of the determination of biodegradability of anionic and non-ionic surfactants. 2. S.C POBAC S.A, 2002-Evaluation of the stage of implementation of the quality management system ISO /CEI 17025 in the Central Laboratory from…
 April 9, 2024


„Research and  services in the field of pollution control and monitoring of environmental quality, characterized by quality and promptitude” The Pollution Control Department from INCD-ECOIND is: –    accredited RENAR according to the requirements of SR EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005 standard, for a big number of tests specific for environmental protection; fulfils…